Every institution with a strong alumni network focuses on building an interactive alumni portal and deriving major benefits from it. We are proud to announce that we have just launched St Jude’s Connect (SJC), an online portal for St Jude’s alumni!
A huge thank you to our Marketing team for making this long-held dream a reality.
We firmly believe that it’s more important than ever for us to have an alumni portal that meets the needs of our alumni, to keep you up to date with everything going on in the Alumni Association.
What is St Jude’s Connect?
SJC is an online platform offering alumni exclusive content and opportunities to share, connect, and engage in various discussions. Think of it as a mix of LinkedIn and Facebook, just for St Jude’s alumni!
Through this portal, we showcase important announcements, opportunities, upcoming events, reunions, and different communities within the association.
Why do we need this Alumni Portal?
- Keep up with quarterly Enewsletters, containing events and alumni updates
- Network with alumni and organise real-life meet ups
- Access information about Alumni Association events, announcements, workshops and new projects
- Get career advice and career development support
- See available jobs and internships
- Find our about scholarship opportunities
- Discover opportunities to participate in our Spirit Program and school events
What is included in this Alumni Portal?

What do I need to do?
Once you receive an email from the Alumni team, you will be able to create an account and update your profile. Then reach out to your friends and classmates to see if they have created their profiles as well.
You will then receive other updates, with useful information, like as how to join and create communities.
Be on the lookout for an email from us soon! We would love to have many alumni joining.
For ideas or questions, please feel free to write to us at alumni@schoolofstjude.co.tz or 0769200609