To celebrate the new year, we’d like to thank some of our amazing fundraisers and advocates who are helping us change the lives of 1,800 students.
Keith and Tessa share the impact of Graduation Week 2017
The Sydney couple are long-time supporters of St Jude’s, sponsoring academic scholarships for two students. Last May, they attended the graduation ceremony for Faraja, who successfully completed Form 6.
Reaching out to local media to share the experience of their visit, the pair featured in an article published in Peninsula Living magazine’s November issue, distributed monthly to 87,000 homes.
“The sponsorship has allowed us to see the girls grow into impressive young women.”
“It [student sponsorship] is probably the best spent money we’ve ever put into anything,” Keith enthused.
If you host an event for St Jude’s or visit us, you can increase your impact by contacting newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations and tell them all about it.
To read the full article about Keith and Tessa’s time at St Jude’s, follow this link and flick to page 40:
Irish school students prepare for the trip of a lifetime

Later this year, St Jude’s will welcome 13 students from Dominican College Wicklow in Ireland.
The intrepid advocates are working hard to raise money, which they will donate to our school.
So far, they have hosted 12 unique fundraisers, some of which include: a sunrise hike with mountain-top yoga, a sports and science camp, a moonlit ball and a ‘Bob a’job’ campaign which sees them cleaning, painting, car-washing and lawn-mowing.

Additionally, the group is spreading the word through their Instagram page. Follow their fundraising journey at @tanzaniagroup2018, or, via their blog:
Rachael, one of the student fundraisers, is thrilled to join the fight against poverty!
"The School of St Jude is unlike any other. The School devotes everything to helping their students, and this is one of the reasons why we choose to support them. We all feel very honoured to be able to visit the school after our year of fundraising."
We can’t wait to meet these inspiring students at the end of 2018!
A Taste of the Big Apple at St Jude’s

Visiting a government school in Tanzania’s capital city, Dodoma, several years ago changed Joann’s life.
The engaging science teacher returned to her home in Woodstock, New York, eager to learn more about education in Tanzania.
Fortunately, curiosity led her to St Jude’s website.
Joann says she was inspired and determined to spread the word and sponsor a young student’s academic scholarship.
With friends, Richardson and Diane, plus two huge suitcases full of stationery in tow, she put smiles on the faces of everyone she met during a visit to St Jude’s in January.
“This school is unique. You can feel the burning passion of every member of staff, and each student’s palpable enthusiasm for learning.”
“This school beats with one heart. I can’t wait to go home and tell as many people as possible about the work being done at St Jude’s!”
The gifts Joann, Richardson and Diane brought to St Jude’s will benefit many of our students. Thank you, American friends!
Lyn’s Bridge of Hope

Annually since 2009, Lyn, an enthusiastic supporter from New South Wales, Australia, has hosted a bridge day luncheon with her friends, raising tens of thousands of dollars to fight poverty through education.
Lyn’s recent bridge day raised $6000.
“I visited the School and was so impressed with how efficiently it was run that I decided to fundraise when I arrived home to Australia,” Lyn said.
“It is satisfying to know that 1800 underprivileged children are being given the opportunity to receive an education and better their prospects in life.”
Lyn has a few simple words of advice for others wishing to fundraise for St Jude’s: “Find a favourable venue and advertise your event to people who you think would also be willing to support the cause!”
If you would like to host a fundraiser or event for St Jude’s, email our Donor Relations team at
For support with advertising, resources and/or sharing stories, contact the Marketing team at We look forward to hearing from you!