“I want to be remembered as a productive member of St Jude’s community. I want people to recognise that I am from St Jude’s even if I will be somewhere else,” explains Sefu about the legacy he would like to leave behind.
Sefu joined Standard 1 at St Jude’s in 2009. Currently, he’s taking part in a Community Service Year (CSY) as a volunteer, to give back to the community in appreciation of the free education he has received.
“This year, I volunteered to travel outside Arusha to distribute scholarship application invitation letters for Form 1 and Form 5,” says Sefu.
“What drives me to support the school is the appreciation I have for receiving full support from the school to help me get closer to my dreams,” adds Sefu.
Launched in 2020, St Jude’s Spirit Program recognises students, staff, families, the local community, and international supporters who go above and beyond to support the school either financially or non-financially.
“Apart from distributing letters and helping out during Scholarship Application Days, I’ve also been volunteering my time to teach Scouts at St Jude’s Secondary School and sharing my skills in different sports activities,” says Sefu.
“My aspiration in life is to one day be successful and be able to sponsor a student here at St Jude’s so I can transform their lives just like mine was. But for now, I’m donating a certain amount to the school. In a small way, I would like to do my part and work together with other alumni to ensure the school leaves a lasting impact on education in Tanzania,” adds Sefu.
Just like Sefu, Daudi is proof that education changes lives. He’s currently volunteering his skills and providing financial support. “Every month I sacrifice a portion of my Beyond St Jude’s stipend to support the school,” explains Daudi who is also a CSY volunteer.
Donations made by alumni go to the school’s Unsponsored Student Fund.
“Giving makes me feel satisfied. I feel that I’m blessed to have been given this opportunity and I can help others and have an impact in their lives,” he adds.
Daudi, who can’t wait to start higher education later this year, is ready and excited for his future and the next stage of his academic journey. “I have applied for a Bachelor in Project Planning Management as my priority, a Bachelor of Agri-Business and Resource Management as my second priority and the third is a Bachelor of Sports Science because I enjoy teaching sports,” says Daudi.
Both Daudi and Sefu are going above and beyond to support the school financially and non-financially, paying it forward while leaving a lasting impact and carrying on St Jude’s legacy as they move on to their next stages of lives.