What an astonishing achievement for St Jude’s. As St Jude’s celebrates its 20th anniversary, it should also observe the alumni achievements. St Jude’s alumni are now doing great things and achieving their dreams.
290 alumni have graduated from different universities in Tanzania and other countries. Who would have thought of this in a few years back?
Let us share a few alumni achievements: there are more than 150 alumni employed in different companies and sectors in and outside Tanzania. Alumni are now doctors, teachers, engineers, bankers and assistant lecturers. How great is this news?
Out of the employed alumni a few are employees of The School of St Jude. We have 16 alumni employed back at school. It feels so good to have alumni in the office and classes.

Alumni are employed in all areas of the school performing different tasks:
- Baba class of 2015 as Math and ICT teacher.
- Wema class of 2016 as English and Kiswahili teacher
- Jesca class of 2016 as Commerce and Book-keeping teacher.
- Alexander class of 2016 as ESL Instructor
- Godfrey class of 2016 as ESL Instructor
- Anna class of 2015 as Accounts Receivables officer.
- Innocent class of 2016 as System Accountant.
- Eben class of 2016 as Database Officer.
- Mariam c lass of 2016 in Corporate Applications.
Beyond St Jude’s
- Enock class of 2015 as BSJ Officer
- Innocent class of 2017 as BSJ Assistant.
HR Team
- Daudi class of 2016 as HR Assistant.
Community Relations
- Thomas class of 2017 as Health and Welfare Assistant
Sponsor Relations
- Winnie class of 2016 as Sponsor Communications Assistant.
- Hermenegild class of 2016 as Graphic Designer
- Edna class of 2015 as Alumni Officer
A few of the employed alumni shared how they feel,
“It feels good working at St Jude’s and being a part of a hard-working community-fighting poverty through education, having such an amazing and cooperative team around who are always there and ready to help to me. However, working on tighter deadlines is my biggest challenge which has given me a chance to grow and improve my speed,” Hermenegild, Graphic Designer, shared.
“Working at St Jude’s feels fantastic as it has a healthy and positive work environment where one can learn and gain new skills. I learn new things each day, and I get a chance to interact with other staff around all the campuses”. Winnie said
“Working as a teacher at St Jude’s is a privilege to me. Staying in the same office with my teachers is the best feeling. I can a chance to learn a lot from them. This time as their fellow staff. I see a lot of kids as get memories of my younger self, it is truly amazing”, Wema shared.

Keep on following our LinkedIn page Alumni School of St Jude and our E-News quarterly for different opportunities.