In its third year, the Alternative Pathways Program (APP) quietly unfolds stories of unique journeys, with Abdallah, a Community Service Semester (CSS) volunteer, being a notable presence. Choosing community service over A Level, Abdallah spent nine months contributing to the Art Initiative Program. For those unfamiliar with APP, it's a program where students, upon completing Form 4, can choose to give back to the community before pursuing a diploma, supported by the Beyond St Jude’s Scholarship Program (BSJSP).
Abdallah, a diligent volunteer, immerses himself in primary and secondary classrooms here at St Jude’s, facilitating art clubs and organizing workshops. It doesn't end there – he even preps artwork for St Jude's visitors. Notably, one lucky recipient of Abdallah's craft is none other than Dr Jane Goodall herself. Imagine having your artwork gifted to a global icon!
Let's explore Abdallah's journey in art, a narrative that began on the last day of grade one. Reflecting on this pivotal moment, Abdallah recalls, "Our teacher asked us to draw anything from our textbooks. I drew a picture of a woman wearing a headscarf, cooking on a charcoal stove, with a basket beside her and a cat popping from behind." Little did he know that this childhood drawing would set the stage for his artistic journey.
Abdallah attributes his artistic growth to the guidance of remarkable mentors like Mr Kephas and Ms Edina. These educators fueled his passion, guiding him from primary to secondary, helping him get better at drawing realistic art. It's heartwarming to see students acknowledging the mentors who mold their talents.
Abdallah has a big dream – he wants to be the first person from Tanzania to win an Academy Award, all because he loves making animated films and looks up to Walt Disney. It's a really ambitious and amazing dream.
You can see Abdallah's artwork on the walls and in the art gallery. It shows how much he loves what he does and promises that he has a bright future ahead. Let's cheer for people like Abdallah who dream big, for artists who create their own paths, and for those who take unique journeys to amazing places. Abdallah is like a role model for going after what you really want with strong determination.
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