BSJ held their first get together in Dar es Salaam on 24th April 2021, and it was terrific and constructive. The get together was an advantageous experience for scholars because it was packed with so many fun and educative activities that made all the scholars leave the place with fantastic and constructive ideas and thoughts. They also learned how they should face the world with an eye full of opportunities for everyone to grab.
Topics covered were :
- University challenges
- Entrepreneurship/self-employment
- Peer groups
- Employability skills
- Part-time jobs
- Life after university
- Sustainable Development Goals
Some of the mentors were scholars, especially the final year students and, there were also external mentors from different places, like Teachers, Business people and Entrepreneurs. Who shared a lot with us, and the knowledge they impacted us with was beneficial and productive in our day to day life as scholars and future leaders in our country.
The aim of the event was:
- To bring all scholars together and let them share their experiences from different universities and different levels.
- To mentor scholars on their employability skills and the employment market, mainly was to make them have a perspective of self-employment rather than want to be employed.
- To mentor scholars on university life and after university life, who they should expect to meet out there and the whole reality of life after university.
- Network to help scholars extend their networks and know what potential networks are available and how can they utilize them for their benefit.
The event was fun and memorable. Scholars played different sports and games like tug of war, cards, walked around the beach and enjoyed the fresh breeze from the ocean. Apart from that, they also had a photograph session, lunch, networking session between themselves and the mentors who were present at the event, shared their universities and colleges experience and had the best day and fun at Coco Beach.
As an Alumni, I advise my fellow Alumni not to miss these kinds of events in the future since they are beneficial and of great help in our lives out there, and they bring such a significant impact to us and change our lives for the better.