In May 2018, The School of St Jude welcomed 70 Form 6 students into our growing cohort of graduates. Since 2015, 395 young men and women have completed their secondary studies at the school.
After graduating from Form 6, alumni may choose to participate in Beyond St Jude’s two-part program: a Community Service Year internship in an under-resourced government school, or in one of St Jude’s departments, followed by a tertiary scholarship, commencing upon successful completion of the Community Service Year.
This month, our fourth group of volunteer Community Service Year interns began their placements, eager to develop their professional skills and share their knowledge and passion for learning with government school students who have not been as fortunate as they have.
The Beyond St Jude’s team was hard at work in the weeks leading up to the commencement of a new Community Service Year, refining the five day Work Readiness Training and updating training resources so this year’s interns can benefit from the experience of previous interns.

The comprehensive training equips interns with practical and theoretical knowledge about professionalism, child protection, communication, time management, budgeting, and more.
Mr Avity, a member of the Beyond St Jude’s team, oversees Work Readiness Training and knows it is beneficial for our interns.
“When we started the training this year, many interns did not think they had confidence to stand in front of students and teach. However, after acquiring new skills, by day five [of training], the same students said, ‘I am not as nervous anymore. I see that I can, and I will.’”
Christina, formerly the Head Girl of Smith Secondary Campus and President of Tembo Club, has chosen to complete her Community Service Year as an intern in the Marketing team in St Jude’s Business Office.

“Work Readiness Training was really a mind preparation program. I loved learning life skills through the training. One essential thing I learnt was that one should build positive workplace relationships so that you can effectively communicate with others. Creating good relationships means you can tackle challenges you may face as a team.”
The program was equally beneficial for Community Service Year interns who will be teaching government school students in subjects for which they would otherwise have no teacher.
One of Christina’s first tasks as Marketing intern was to visit and interview Reginald, who is currently teaching chemistry to Form 1 students at a government school close to St Jude’s Sisia Primary Campus.
“I teach up to 300 students, across 16 classes throughout the week. I am happy to share the knowledge I gained from my schooling with our young brothers and sisters in government schools, who are at risk of not receiving the same opportunities I have had.” Reginald told Christina.
“The Work Readiness Training prepared me very well for teaching. It taught me how to plan class lessons, we received advice from government school teachers who joined the program as guest speakers, and I learnt a lot about class management.”
“It is only my first week of the Community Service Year internship, so I am still getting used to the environment. I hope that I will follow up on my students’ progress throughout the year and I hope to be a part of their academic success,” Reginald said.