Upon receipt of your donation or sponsorship contribution, The School of St Jude will issue a general receipt by email in the currency received. We hope that this documentation assists with tax deductibility in your country. If there is another way that we can help make your contribution to St Jude’s tax deductible, please do not hesitate to contact us at
info@schoolofstjude.co.tz with your suggestion.
For assistance to start or renew a sponsorship, or to pay sponsorship fees when your currency is other than Australian dollars, please contact us at
info@schoolofstjude.co.tz. We are happy to help.
If you do not wish for your donation to be tax deductible, you can make a payment directly on our website in $AUD.
Each year we assess the price of our sponsorship packages according to updated currency conversions and, where applicable, the administration costs involved in using third party websites, to ensure that our supporters have the option of tax deductibility. We update our sponsorship prices in January each year. We appreciate your support, if you have any questions please
contact us.