Monday morning at school: Peter reads to his classmatesLunch time! Peter and his friends in the Upper Primary dining hall. Tuesday’s lunch is ugali and beans.Each day after lunch, Peter plays in the school yard with his friends.Tuesday afternoon is Peter’s library session. His favourite book is Fire Mountain.Each day after school, Peter and his friends return to the Moivaro Boarding Campus after a busy day. Peter shares a boarding room with 5 other boys. They take pride in keeping their room tidy.Peter's tidy bunk.Wednesday is washing day! Peter washes his school uniform......and hangs it on the line.Even with chores, Peter has plenty of time to study and play.On Friday afternoon Peter rides the school bus home to his family.Peter enjoys time with his father, siblings, and mother on the weekends. They live in a house consisting of three small rooms made of mud and wood, lined on the inside with cardboard and with a single electric light in each.The first room, adorned with pictures of Christ and Bob Marley, has only just enough room for a couch and a small table where they cook and eat meals.On Saturday Peter finds time to study on the single bed he shares with his two brothers.Washing is done outside in buckets that they fill with water from a tap that is a few metres from their house.The room where Peter's parents sleep; their worldly possessions are stacked in the little space there is around their bed and their clothes hang from the ceiling.When Peter is home he tutors his brothers who attend a local government school, helps his parents with chores, reads and plays with his neighbours.Poverty and wealth come in many forms. Peter is a part of a family and community on whom he can rely on for love, support and friendship, in this regard he is extremely wealthy. However, in terms of standard of living, healthcare and opportunity for quality education and employment, Peter and his family are lacking. This is true for many other Tanzanians and is the reason that The School of St. Jude was set up with the mission of fighting poverty through education.