‘It was a day of its own kind,’ exclaimed Nestory Msoffe, our Secondary School Headmaster, as he proudly watched 2,000 students, teachers, members of the community and school supporters leave our secondary school.
They had just enjoyed our yearly St Jude’s Day celebrations when we celebrate our school’s namesake and give thanks as we continue our mission to fight poverty through education.
The day began with an assembly full of singing, dancing and speeches celebrating our success and growth from just three students in 2002 to almost 1,800 students now.
Secondary Master Adam Myombe enjoyed the dance performance by our youngest Grade 1 students.
“They sing with such passion. It is so enjoyable to watch them have fun,” he said.
The Glacious dance group of secondary school students was Elton from Form 5’s favourite performance.
“They looked so smart with their black shirts. Their traditional dancing was mesmerising to watch,” he said.

Our school choir sang gospel songs and members of the local church were invited to perform a mass service to bless the school and pray for our student’s success in upcoming exams.
George Stephen, our Primary School Headmaster, said that the mass service was his favourite moment of the day.
“The students behaved very well throughout the service and the choir was fantastic,” he said.

After assembly everyone poured out of the hall to enjoy a scrumptious lunch of ‘royo’, or roast beef, rice and fried bananas with fruit salad for dessert.
“I loved the performances but the lunch was the best,” said Gloria from Grade 6. “Such a treat!’
As Gemma, our school founder, was proud to announce at the start of the assembly, “How happy I am to see how this school has grown over the last 14 years. Here’s to 14 more!”