Donate Monthly

Here is how donations make a massive impact!


Could pay for the internet for a classroom for a week.


Could sponsor a classroom that covers class expenses such as excursions, teacher salaries, classroom maintenance and extra stationery.


Could contribute to the shared cost of an academic scholarship for a St Jude’s student. This is 25% of a student scholarship.


Could contribute to the cost of a teacher for one student per month.

Donate Monthly

The long-term sustainability of the school is of the utmost importance in continuing to educate our future moral and intellectual leaders. Your monthly recurring donation ensures that present and future generations of students can continue to receive a 100% free, quality education!

Due every month



The long-term sustainability of the school is of the utmost importance in continuing to educate our future moral and intellectual leaders. Your monthly recurring donation ensures that present and future generations of students can continue to receive a 100% free, quality education!

Wanting to make a once-off donation? Click here.

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Payment Period

Annual, Monthly


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