Shared Sponsorship

Here is how donations make a massive impact!


Could pay for seven students to go on an educational excursion with their classmates.


Could pay for safe transport for a student on our fleet of yellow buses for a month.


Could pay for a hot and hearty lunch for a primary school student for a year.


Could pay for a desk and a locker for one student.

Shared Sponsorship


Part of the cost of sponsoring an academic scholarship for one of our students.

Recurring automatic payments from your account
At Checkout you can choose either: recurring automatic debit or credit card payments, or; manual direct bank transfer or cheque payments.

SKU: N/A Category:


Contribute to the cost of an academic scholarship for a St Jude’s student by becoming a shared sponsor. Your sponsorship helps us continue to fight poverty through education.

A shared sponsorship covers 25% of a student's scholarship.

Please note there is a pricing increase from January 2024. Find out more here.

Additional information

Payment Period

Annual, Monthly


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