Sole Sponsorship

Here is how donations make a massive impact!


Could pay for seven students to go on an educational excursion with their classmates.


Could pay for safe transport for a student on our fleet of yellow buses for a month.


Could pay for a hot and hearty lunch for a primary school student for a year.


Could pay for a desk and a locker for one student.

Sole Sponsorship


Ensure one of our students can receive a quality education, even while currently studying at home, by becoming the sole sponsor of their academic scholarship.

Recurring automatic payments from your account.
At Checkout you can choose either: recurring automatic debit or credit card payments, or; manual direct bank transfer or cheque payments.

SKU: N/A Category:


Fight poverty through education by sponsoring the full amount of a St Jude’s student’s academic scholarship. Your sponsorship provides everything a student needs for a successful education.

A sole sponsorship covers 100% of a student's scholarship.

Please note there is a pricing increase from January 2024. Find out more here.

Additional information

Payment Period

Annual, Monthly

Tax deductibility and payments in other currencies
Learn more