Tertiary scholar mentoring for a year - Annual Appeal 2024

Here is how donations make a massive impact!


Could pay for seven students to go on an educational excursion with their classmates.


Could pay for safe transport for a student on our fleet of yellow buses for a month.


Could pay for a hot and hearty lunch for a primary school student for a year.


Could pay for a desk and a locker for one student.

Tertiary scholar mentoring for a year - Annual Appeal 2024


Your kind donation of AU$500 supports the mentorship of a tertiary scholar for a year. It covers mental health checks every semester, face-to-face visits with our Beyond St Jude’s (BSJ) team, and additional academic and non-academic support.

Your support fuels our scholars' pursuit of their higher education, providing them with everything they need to thrive and reach their potential.



Your kind donation of AU$500 supports the mentorship of a tertiary scholar for a year. It covers mental health checks every semester, face-to-face visits with our Beyond St Jude’s (BSJ) team, and additional academic and non-academic support.

Your support fuels our scholars' pursuit of their higher education, providing them with everything they need to thrive and reach their potential.


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