Back in 2006, The School of St Jude held its first ever St Jude’s Day, a day for thanksgiving, celebration and sharing. The whole school, which numbered just 662 primary students and 114 staff at the time, gathered for a service, entertainment by students and a special meal.
Sixteen years later, and the general format for the day has remained the same, but almost everything else has changed! In 2022, the school numbers 1,800, with more than 300 staff.
Back in 2006, St Jude’s catered to the first five years of primary school, but today St Jude’s comprises three schools; one primary and two secondary. Now, St Jude’s Day is held at each school on a rotating basis, and in 2022, the event was held at St Jude’s Girls’ Secondary School.
Though St Jude’s is a relatively young school, its traditions, like the annual St Jude’s Day celebration, have a special role in the school community.