Asha is afraid of nothing, how many 10 year olds can say that?
Her favourite subject is science because her teacher, Mr Samwel Jackson, “is so smart funny and nice,” she says. Asha likes learning about animals, especially lions, and how lions like to kill and eat zebras.
Asha’s favourite person in the world is her mum, Nuiya.

Nuiya raises Asha and her cousin, Ramadhani, on the money she makes from washing clothes and sewing jumpers to sell at local shops. St Jude's also assists Asha’s family by providing home packs that include essentials like soap, beans and cooking oil.
Asha and Nuiya have just returned from Mwanza, the second biggest city in Tanzania, where they spent the school holidays with Asha’s grandmother, who taught her how to cook ugali.
Asha is a quick study and in 2015 achieved almost straight A’s across her subjects.
This year Asha has started Standard 3 (Year 3) and is excited to be back at school. “I like St Jude’s and I am very happy to come back because I am coming to read lots of books,” she said.

She is also excited to see her best friend Mary.
Asha and Mary like to play the slide game at lunchtime and are near inseparable.
When Asha grows up she wants to be a “doctor for children” and so does Mary.
In Tanzania there are only 3 doctors per 100,000, people, one of the lowest per capita rates in the world.

If you would like to be part of amazing Asha’s aspirations and correspond with her about the feeding practices of lions, or how to cook ugali, then why not sponsor her today?