We are fortunate to have generous supporters across the world, and are excited to announce that some of our amazing American friends have made it even easier for US supporters to help fight poverty through education.
The American Friends of the School of St Jude, Tanzania, Inc. has a new website which allows US supporters to give to St Jude’s with easy, tax-deductible contributions!
Our American Friends have been working hard to ensure St Jude’s US fundraising efforts are officially recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Now we’re celebrating the American Friends organization being granted official tax-exempt status! EIN 47-3077055
This means that donations from the US will no longer go through a third party financial provider, so more of your donation will come directly to the school.
That will help us continue to foster the next generation of leadership in Tanzania, by providing a free, high-quality education to approximately 1,800 of the poorest and brightest students in Arusha.
And you aren’t just helping our students have a brighter future.
Our holistic approach and extended national curriculum is creating community-focused leaders with strong skills and values, a vital contribution to a country where 93% of the adult population has no secondary education.
You’ll also help support local families, as our school purchases local ingredients for 31,000 meals each week. From January to December in 2015 St Jude’s injected over $3,254,000 USD into our local community through purchasing, services and wages. In fact, 98% of our total expenditure benefits the surrounding community, not to mention the 19,256 hours our hard-working local staff members spend volunteering each year in their local communities.
The American Friends website is now accepting donations and sponsorship payments, and US supporters with monthly auto-deductions can easily make the switch by clicking here.
All supporters can now be confident that any financial donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
You can also help St Jude’s by letting us know of any American government and foundation grants we may be eligible for.
Finally, find out more about our excellent American Friends board and its members here.
Celebrate with us today by donating to American Friends of School of St Jude!