Our Sponsor Relations team is the biggest team in the business office at St Jude‘s. We have are made up of people from all over the globe; Australia, America, Ireland, the UK, working alongside eight fantastic Tanzanians.
St Jude‘s Sponsors provide some of the much-needed support to ensure that each of our students has the resources needed for a high-quality education. Our team is responsible for all communications and correspondence with this amazing family of sponsors!
Here is a typical day in our office:
8:30 – 9:30: Since our sponsors are from all over the world, emails come in around the clock. Our mornings are often spent replying to our sponsors who have inquired through the night. We love hearing from all our sponsors!
9:30 – 10:00: By mid-morning, our Sponsor Communications Team is busy keeping our wonderful sponsors up to date with all the exciting things happening at St Jude‘s and with their sponsored students, teachers, buses and boarding rooms. Our Sponsor Correspondence Team is hard at work corresponding with our fantastic family of international sponsors. From sending report cards and awards to answering general queries and requests, this is definitely the best part of the day.
10:00 – 10:20: After the morning work is nearly done, the team have a quick tea break. Sipping hot chai tea and telling stories with the students who are also on morning break puts a smile on all our faces.

10:20 – 12:20: As well as working together in our team, we also have a lot of engagement with our students. Students love writing letters to their sponsors, and we help arrange for students to come in and have all the writing paper, colors and stationery they need to create lovely letters to be sent out. Another wonderful part of our school activities is Awards Day. We have weekly awards assemblies where the children get a chance to have their efforts acknowledged in front of their peers and teachers.

12:20 – 13:00: Lunchtime in the primary school dining hall. On the menu ….. rice or ugali, with different green vegetables, and a spot of salad on the side.
13:00 – 17:00: During this time, our Sponsor Correspondence team is busy arranging the end of the school year 2014, and all the preparations for the Christmas break. This includes finishing off trips to the post office with sacks full of beautiful Christmas letters for around the world, end of year assemblies and MORE awards, this time for our incredible teachers, and arranging the reports for all the students to be sent to their sponsors. No rest for the weary!